

Colombo, Sri Lanka

If you’re looking for a full stack web developer to help bring an idea into reality — let’s talk!
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Overview of my latest projects

Pasindu Prabhashitha's Portfolio Project - Velvet Social Media

Velvet Social Media

This social media website is my portfolio project, showcasing my proficiency in using Angular and Django to build a complex web application. The website features essential social media functionalities, such as user management, friend requests, post creation, liking, commenting, and sharing. Additionally, it includes a Facebook-like newsfeed that enables users to view their friends' posts. Users can also tag locations when creating a post. Currently, I am working on implementing real-time chat functionality to the application. All the advanced logics related to the functionalities are built by me from scratch, and I also coded the UI from scratch without using any styling libraries. This project represents a significant milestone in my web development journey, demonstrating my ability to build complex web applications using cutting-edge technologies. You can view the code by clicking on the view code button to see how I implemented the features

Pasindu Prabhashitha's Portfolio Project - Watson Games

Watson Games

Watson Games is a geolocated murder mystery game. I got a chance to join the development of the Watson Games and collaborated as a junior software engineer in the development of a geolocated murder mystery game. I was in charge of translating designs from Figma to Reactjs as well as developing some of the internal logic of the application.

Pasindu Prabhashitha's Portfolio Project - Emporium Store

Emporium Store

This is an eCommerce web application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) stack, featuring various essential eCommerce functionalities such as products listing, product categories, product details, shopping cart, checkout area, billing with Stripe, automated emails, admin area, and state management with Redux. The project showcases my proficiency in using the MERN stack to create a fully-functional eCommerce website that provides an intuitive and seamless user experience. Visit the link to explore the website or access the fully-implemented code on GitHub. This project represents a significant milestone in my web development journey, demonstrating my ability to build complex web applications using cutting-edge technologies.

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